Grateful. has never been about us. It’s always been about you. You: the change maker. The fighter. The one who refused to settle with the cards you were dealt. You: the uplifter, the passion chaser, the one who knows that hitting rock bottom just means you’re about to shoot to the top.
The Grateful first tees were made out of need, not greed. The origins idea for Grateful, scribbled on a napkin, soon transformed into a brand focused on spreading positivity and changing moods around the world. Proceeds were used to support our community halfway houses in New York City: homes where those struggling with addiction, homelessness, or abuse could come to reset and restart their lives.
What started as a way to support the growing demands of our 360 Housing project soon exploded into a worldwide movement. The more we shared our message, the more people wanted to get involved.
Now the Grateful community has over 100,000 members. With each new drop our family grows, and our impact reaches further across the globe. But no matter how many people we reach, our message stays the same:
Spark Change. Stay Inspired. And Always Stay Grateful.
Changing Moods Around The World...GRATEFUL.
Order / Help inquiries:
Please drop us a line at: info@redhousemerchandising.com
Brand contact:
Any direct inquiries for Grateful Apparel directly can be directed to:
110 Bomar Ct STE 102
God Bless!